A late November Point au Roche family session

Why would I title this an engagement / family session you may ask? Well because Katie and Wyatt are technically already married! They eloped in 2019 after finding out about their miracle baby seen here – Levi! With Wyatt being in the Coast Guard and a baby on the way, they didn’t want to wait and decided to elope on the shores of Lake Michigan. They knew they wanted a blessing of their union in a church followed by a reception so they planned on October of 2020, and we all know what happened next…thanks a lot Covid…
After it was looking like 2021 would be better, they postponed their plans to the fall of the following year. Unfortunately with Covid still a risk, a lot of their guests still weren’t going to be able to attend their celebration. Family means so much to these two so they decided to postpone again to 2022. With life being what it is and things not working out exactly as planned, Katie and Wyatt have decided to postpone yet again to 2024. PHEW. These two have been through it and then some. Covid was not nice to them when it came to planning their celebration at all, but all good things come to those who wait right? 😉
I can’t wait to celebrate with these 3 again and meet their loved ones! It’s going to be worth the wait, I’m sure of it!